3:20 PM
Service-layer IOCs and their implementation in Python
Bogdan Vacaliuc
(Spallation Neutron Source)
3:35 PM
Using StreamDevice to Connect Network Attached Devices to EPICS-View from an EPICS Beginner
William McCullough
3:45 PM
lvPortDriver - a platform independent interface between LabVIEW software and EPICS device support
Scott Baily
4:00 PM
Bruce Hill
(SLAC National Accelerator Lab)
4:15 PM
An ATCA Based Accelerator Controls & RF Detector Platform
Ryan Herbst
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
4:30 PM
Further uses of fast orbit feedback controllers
Matthew Furseman
(Diamond Light Source Ltd)
4:45 PM
JLab Hall B Controls Infrastructure and IT Integration
Wesley Moore
(Jefferson Lab)
5:00 PM
IPython Command Line Interface to EPICS IOCs
Zachary Lentz