27–30 Oct 2025
US/Eastern timezone

The NEUWAVE-13 workshop is a unique meeting that bring together worldwide experts in the field of wavelength-dependent neutron imaging which enables unique contrast mechanisms based on the neutron wavelength. The NEUWAVE workshops have traditionally encouraged international discussions of the latest developments to promote exchange of information and savoir-faire in order to advance the collective knowledge of the neutron imaging community. As such, topics of discussion strategically encompass the currents status of neutron imaging instruments, the latest advances wavelength-dependent imaging methods (such as Bragg-edge and resonance imaging), the utilization of grating interferometry, the advancement of detectors and instrumentation for time-of-flight applications, and applications of energy-resolved techniques.


NEUWAVE is followed by the 1-day VENUS workshop to highlight the newest time-of-flight imaging beamline in the community. Bus transportation will be provided from/to the workshop venue. 


Previous NEUWAVE workshops were held in various locations:

  • 2008: Garching, Germany
  • 2009: Abingdon, UK
  • 2010: Sapporo, Japan
  • 2011: Gatlinburg, USA
  • 2013: Lund, Sweden
  • 2014: Garching, Germany
  • 2015: Mito, Japan
  • 2016: Abingdon, UK
  • 2017: NIST, USA
  • 2019: PSI, Switzerland
  • 2023: Tokyo, Japan
  • 2024: Lund, Sweden
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.