24 March 2017
Building 8600
US/Eastern timezone
The Neutron Sciences Directorate (NScD) will hold the first in a series of “Neutron Days” 
on March 24, 2017.

Neutron Days will provide a forum for staff to learn about our scientific discoveries and the direction for data, sample environment, laboratories and instrument upgrade plans. Not only will updates be provided on various topics, but staff will also have an opportunity to provide input on initiatives and program direction. Each Neutron Day will have a general theme that will be explored throughout the day through talks and breakout sessions.

The first Neutron Day focuses on data and instrument software. Following the PEMP notable outcome, we have developed a data and software plan that is being implemented and much progress has been made and a lot of work is still ahead of us. Neutron Day provides an opportunity to learn about data acquisition, data analysis, and data modeling plans and to look into the future enabled by applied mathematics and high performance computing. This first Neutron Day will also have time for discussions and demonstrations.

Building 8600
Iran Thomas Auditorium