Jun 10 – 12, 2019
Spallation Neutron Source
US/Eastern timezone


The meeting is divided into two sections:

June 10, 2019 will be for the Muon Spectroscopy community

June 11-12, 2019 will be for the SEE testing community


The proposed Single Event Effects and Muon Spectroscopy (SEEMS) facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory will serve two user communities, namely:

  • Condensed matter science exploiting high-resolution muon spin relaxation (mSR) techniques;
  • Industrial and academic research on single event effects in semiconductor electronic components and systems.

A project proposal to the NSF will soon be submitted for which user community support is being solicited. An extended white paper has been prepared.

Meeting Charge

This workshop will introduce the SEEMS facility concept to prospective users and seek concurrence on the essential facility technical requirements and operational model. Strategies for project construction funding and operations support will be discussed.

Meeting Goals:

  • Describe SEEMS capabilities and availability to potential stakeholders
  • Broaden the base of potential stakeholders
  • Obtain consensus on facility technical parameters
  • Project future usage of SEE testing and mSR science for the coming decades from the user community (i.e., annual tests, experiments, visiting users, etc.)
  • Discuss funding models and the proposal to the NSF
  • Obtain letters of support from stakeholders (industries, institutes, and academia)
  • Summarize meeting discussions into a report
Spallation Neutron Source
One Bethel Valley Rd, Oak Ridge, TN 37831