Aug 27 – 28, 2016
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, SNS Building 8600
US/Eastern timezone

The proposed Second Target Station (STS) at the ORNL Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) will provide the neutron user community with transformative capabilities, utilizing recent dramatic advances in neutron instrumentation and technologies.

A workshop on April 27 and 28 will conduct an inquiry into the feasibility of including a Very Cold Neutron Source (VCN) moderator in the STS. The workshop will focus on the characteristics and technical feasibility of such a source at the STS, and new scientific research uniquely enabled by a cold neutron spectrum peaked at ~0.3 meV.

The workshop attendees are evenly divided between source and neutron scattering experts.  Short formal talks will be kept to a small number. The intent of the workshop is to brainstorm challenges and opportunities such a source provides. For this activity, attendees may wish to bring one or two (or no) viewgraphs to stimulate discussions. Source and scattering experts will conduct discussions separately and occasionally reconvene for broad discussions.

The goal of the workshop is to produce a report for ORNL management that describes challenges and opportunities identified, and next steps.

This website will be updated with background information, including the 2005 Argonne National Lab report “Workshop on Applications of the Very Cold Neutron Source,” simulations of VCN moderator spectra, and a list of technologies with performance that improve with the square of neutron wavelength.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, SNS Building 8600
Room C-152
Michael Fitzsimmons (865) 574-7243