Aug 18 – 21, 2020
US/Eastern timezone

The workshop is initiated by the Neutron Scattering Division's Quantum Materials Initiative (QMI) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Neutron scattering along with other methods such as synchrotron X-ray scattering, muon spin relaxation/rotation (muSR), scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron spin resonance (ESR), angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), terahertz spectroscopy, Mössbauer spectroscopy, bulk magnetic property measurements etc., have been proven to be powerful and complementary tools in every breakthrough of condensed matter research. The workshop aims to bring together neutron users and experts in other techniques to showcase how neutron scattering and various other techniques can be complementary in investigating quantum materials at the forefront of condensed matter research.

The workshop aims to (1) build a network for neutron scattering education and ensure that neutron scattering becomes widely known as an important scientific tool; (2) promote cross-collaborations within ORNL; (3) establish external collaborations with research groups at Universities and other institutions; and (4) develop long-term strategies for new capability/instrumentation developments for quantum materials research.

The workshop will strengthen the existing neutron user community with access to ORNL’s state-of-the-art user facilities, either through collaborations with NScD researchers or as external users, to have neutron scattering as a complementary tool for advancing their science aligned with our Quantum Materials Initiative.

The workshop will be a four day VIRTUAL event organized by QMI scientists in the Neutron Scattering Division:

Songxue Chi  ( )
Tao Hong   (
Wei Tian ( )
Qiang Zhang (

Advised by Clarina dela Cruz ( and Steve Nagler (

The workshop is targeted towards early career researchers including graduate students, postdocs and new faculty. The workshop will include livestreamed lectures with Q&A time, that will introduce the participants to the key concepts and applications of various experimental techniques with a focus on how it compliments neutrons. There will also be a select number of lectures focused on flagship strengths of neutrons in condensed matter and associated instruments at SNS and HFIR. Lectures will be given by world renowned scientists with extensive expertise in these experimental techniques, from USA (Duke Univ., UC Los Angeles, Rice Univ, Drexel, Columbia, Colorado State Univ., LSU, MSU, UIUC, Stanford, MIT, ANL, LANL, BNL and ORNL) Canada (McMaster University) and Europe (Dresden High Magnetic Field Lab). 

THERE IS NO REGISTRATION FEE for this Virtual workshop, please register by 5PM EST, Friday, July 31, 2020.