Aug 9 – 12, 2021
US/Eastern timezone


The Executive Committees for the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS) User Group and the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) and High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) User Group are pleased to announce the 2021 Joint Nanoscience and Neutron Scattering User Meeting to be held online from August 9-12, 2021, with workshops held during the weeks of August 2 and August 16. 

The User Meeting will highlight the research achievements and interests of CNMS, SNS, and HFIR users, staff, and the broader nanoscience and neutron scattering communities. Registration is available at no cost, but is required by June 30 in order to receive links to the meeting. 

Plenary addresses:

  • Deji Akinwande, Professor at The University of Texas at Austin Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Rana Ashkar, Assistant Professor of Physics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

  • Luke N. Brewer, Associate Professor at The University of Alabama

  • Linda Horton, Director, Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES)

  • John N. Randall, PhD, CEO Zyvex Labs

The 2021 Joint User Meeting will also feature:

  • User Group Town-Hall Meetings with the CNMS UEC and SHUG: provide opportunities for the user community at-large to provide additional input on facility operations that affect users.
  • Virtual Poster Session: students, postdocs, and users are encouraged to participate and present the results of their research and share their experiences at the user facilities. Poster sessions presented by graduate and undergraduate students will also be eligible to compete for the Best Student Presentation award given at the town hall meetings. 
  • Topical Workshops: provide deep dives into a range of topics.

The CNMS, SNS, and HFIR are user facilities supported by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science to provide specialized instrumentation and expertise to researchers from universities, national laboratories, and industry that enables them to conduct forefront research that would otherwise not be possible with resources at their home institutions.
