Jun 10 – 12, 2024
Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel
US/Eastern timezone

Travel Awards (Deadline extended to May 10th)

A limited numbers of travel awards are available to support graduate students and post-doctoral fellows attendance to the training workshop on June 10. The maximal amount of support is $1,200.

The travel award application deadline has been extended to May 10, 2024.


  • Applicant must be a graduate student, or a postdoc within 5 years of receiving their doctorate degree
  • The applicant must present a poster

Application documents:

  • Poster abstract
  • Budget justification for the amount requested
  • Brief statement from advisor supporting participation and confirming that the remaining of the expenses, if any, will be covered by other funding sources

Travel Award request should be emailed to meilleurf@ornl.gov with subject line "Neutrons in Biology Travel Award" by May 10, 2024.

Award Sponsor:

NSF award # 2407094