We are pleased to announce that the “Advanced Neutron Powder Diffraction Analysis with TOPAS” workshop will be held from September 24-27, 2024, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in partnership with Bruker-AXS.
Workshop Details
Dates: September 24-27, 2024
Location: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
Why Attend?
The escalating demand within the powder diffraction/PDF community for advanced structure analysis using TOPAS has become increasingly evident. This is particularly important in analyzing time-of-flight neutron diffraction data, where modeling resolution functions and peak profiles poses persistent challenges. TOPAS stands out among widely used Rietveld/PDF analysis software due to its unique capability allowing users to code their own functions/macros. This feature empowers users to tackle complex issues, including the intricate challenges associated with resolution functions and peak profiles in neutron powder diffraction data analysis. We will also teach complementary use of neutron pair distribution function (PDF) and diffuse scattering data to carry out comprehensive structure analysis, highlighting the new functionality of the TOPAS software to carry out both conventional Rietveld and PDF/diffuse scattering structure analysis.
Key Topics to Cover
• Rietveld refinement and whole pattern fitting in TOPAS
• Neutron powder diffraction data analysis from US national user facility beamlines
• Complementary use of neutron pair distribution function (PDF) and diffuse scattering data in TOPAS
• Hands-on sessions with new TOPAS functionality for complex structure analysis using neutron diffraction data
Hands-on Experience
Participants will have the chance to work directly with instructors on data collected from their own samples, allowing for personalized guidance and application of the techniques learned.
Registration for this workshop is now closed.
The registration deadline is July 10th.
Jue Liu (liuj1@ornl.gov), Cheng Li, Alicia Manjon Sanz, Athena Chen, Yuanpeng Zhang (ORNL)
Peter Khalifah (Stony Brook University, kpete@bnl.gov)
Cora Lind-Kovacs (The University of Toledo, cora.lind@utoledo.edu )
Saul Lapidus ( Argonne National Laboratory, slapidus@anl.gov)
Bruker-AXS (Nathan Henderson, nathan.henderson@bruker.com)