16–20 Sept 2024
Spallation Neutron Source
US/Eastern timezone

The EPICS Summer School 2024

19 Sept 2024, 15:30
Iran Thomas Auditorium (Spallation Neutron Source)

Iran Thomas Auditorium

Spallation Neutron Source

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN


Ralph Lange (ITER Organization)


In August 2024, a team of Beamline Controls Engineers at the Synchrotron Light Source BESSY II was running the EPICS Summer School 2024, a two-week event for young engineers, computer scientists, and physicists to introduce them to the world of control systems at big science machines.
Presentations, training, guided tours of facilities, and a hands-on group project helped the trainees understand particle accelerator control systems and develop essential skills in collaboration, problem-solving, and teamwork.
The organizers plan to make this a regular event and will try to establish a collaboration between institutes to share organization and hosting.

Primary authors

Luca Porzio (HZB / BESSY II) Marcel Bajdel (HZB / BESSY II)


Ralph Lange (ITER Organization)

Presentation materials