Sep 16 – 20, 2024
Spallation Neutron Source
US/Eastern timezone

Scientific Program

We invite you to present your work and ideas related to EPICS, including - but not limited to - the following categories.

Please start submitting your abstracts!

  • Status Reports

    Project updates and workgroup reports

  • EPICS Core

    Updates to EPICS 'core', Channel and PV Access; Reports on deployments of EPICS 7

  • Hardware, Driver/Device support

    Support for new hardware, timing systems, FPGA H/W Platform, µTCA, pizza box, updates to existing hardware support, ...

  • Operational Tools, Client Tools, User Interfaces

    Operators interfaces, network client tools, ...

  • Experiment control, data acquisition, data analysis, AI/ML

    Tools to automate experiments, to collect data, and how you then use that data

  • Security

    How do you deal with network security, remote access to the control system, authentication, authorization?

  • System Management

    How do you build, deploy, maintain your EPICS setup? (computing and network infrastructure, software deployment, release management, ...)

  • Other

    Topics that do not fit any of the above