25 March 2025
US/Eastern timezone

Welcome to our page on Neutrons, Soft Matters and Algorithms. We are a group of scientists who specialize in neutron scattering techniques, the study of soft materials, and rigorous data analysis. Our team is dedicated to exploring innovative data analysis methods by integrating artificial intelligence, mathematics, and statistical mechanics. Our goal is to revolutionize the data analysis paradigm for studying soft materials using scattering techniques. On this site, we plan to publish our discussions and share information about upcoming workshops. Please join us in our journey to advance the field of soft materials research.


First meeting will be at 8AM (EST) on March 25, 2025

Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 234 340 097 095 Passcode: hh93FD35 ________________________________________ Dial in by phone +1 865-276-6990,,141944328# United States, Oak Ridge Find a local number Phone conference ID: 141 944 328# For organizers: Meeting options | Reset dial-in PIN
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Teams meeting link will be available when ready.