16 January 2025
US/Eastern timezone

Speaker Bio

Dr. Michelle Dolgos is the User Outreach Lead for Neutron Sciences and before this position, she spent 20 years as a user herself at neutron and x-ray scattering facilities around the world.  She received her B.Sc. in Chemistry from Hillsdale College in 2002, her M.Sc. in Chemistry from the University of Tennessee in 2005, and her PhD in Chemistry from The Ohio State University in 2009.   After completion of her degrees, she moved abroad to work as a postdoctoral research associate for Prof. Matthew Rosseinsky, FRS.  She then spent five years as an Assistant Professor at Oregon State University, before moving to the University of Calgary from 2018-2024 where she was a Professor of Chemistry and Associate Head of the Graduate Program in Chemistry.  Her research interests lie in the structure-property relationships of advanced functional materials.