The Oak Ridge National Laboratory is located in Roane County, Tennessee, about 7 miles from the center of the city of Oak Ridge and 25 miles from the McGhee Tyson Airport near Knoxville. Other major airports that service the Knoxville area are Nashville International Airport (160 miles) and Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (210 miles).
These driving directions will help you find your way to ORNL from McGhee Tyson Airport, downtown Knoxville, Chattanooga, or Nashville.
You can also view these maps:
Oak Ridge area
ORNL complex
HFIR and SNS sites

Ground Transportation
Options from McGhee Tyson Airport include:
Chariots of Hire 865-522-8108 or 800-287-5934
Discount Taxi 865-755-5143, 865-705-1341 — accepts credit cards
Rental Car Agencies

Click here for a reservation at the DoubleTree Hotel, 215 S. Illinois Avenue, Oak Ridge, TN. Use code ASW for the discounted rate of $94.00.
ORNL Guest House
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
8640 Nano Center Drive
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Phone: 865-576-8101
Fax: 865-576-8102
Operated by Paragon Hotel Company