Invited talks will be given by:
- Roberto Coppola, Senior Scientist ENEA Research Center "Casaccia", In-staff at the Fusion and Technologies for Nuclear Safety Department FSICNUC Division
- Ayman Hawari, Distinguished University Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Director of Nuclear Reactor Program, North Carolina State University
- Brent Heuser, Professor and Associate head for the Department of Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering, University of Illinois
- Dennis Keiser, Metallurgical Engineer in the Fuel Performance and Design Department, Idaho National Laboratory
- Maria Okuniewski, Assistant Professor of Materials Engineering/Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Purdue University
- Carolyn Pearce, Staff Scientist in the Geochemistry Department,
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - Jenifer C. Shafer, Associate Professor in the Chemistry Department and Nuclear Science & Engineering Program, Colorado School of Mines
- Brian Wirth, Governor's Chair Professor of the Department of Nuclear Engineering, The University of Tennessee Knoxville
- James Wishart, Director, Molten Salts in Extreme Environments Energy Frontier Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Round Robin Lunch Speakers
- Ke An, ORNL, Neutron Scattering Division–Diffraction
- Hassina Bilheux, ORNL, Neutron Scattering Division–Imaging
- Richard Howard, ORNL, Reactor and Nuclear Systems Division–Irradiation Testing
- Alexander Kolesnikov, ORNL, Neutron Scattering Division–Inelastic and Quasielastic
- Ken Littrell, ORNL, Neutron Scattering Division–SANS
- Chad Parish, ORNL, Low Activation Materials Development and Analysis Laboratory (LAMDA)