September 18, 2019
Closes at Noon (EDT)
US/Eastern timezone

Submit your proposals for experiments to run on the Spallation Neutron Source 

The proposal call will close at noon on September 18, 2019, for experiments anticipated to run at SNS from January to June 2020. 

Proposals for beam time will be accepted via the web-based proposal system until noon (EDT), September 18, 2019. 

Calls for General User Proposals occur twice a year. This is a competitive process, involving external peer review. Beam time is granted based on scientific importance and research feasibility. 

To be considered for the upcoming run cycles, proposals can be submitted any time before the indicated deadline. Once a proposal call closes, the next call will begin accepting proposals.

Ready to get started? Learn how to submit a proposal or go directly to the proposal system.



Closes at Noon (EDT)