May 11 – 13, 2016
Building 8600, C-156
US/Eastern timezone

Cost Information

Registration Fee

You will be asked to provide a charge number to pay for these courses, and the cost of each class will depend on the number of registrants.   However, the maximum amount for each class is listed below.

Wednesday, May 11, 9:00am–4:30pm
UX Basic Training ($371*/per person)
Be an effective UX professional: Know the lingo and sell the process**

This course is ideal for people who are beginning to work in user experience or have some knowledge of the field. It clarifies what UX professionals do, and need to do, to create good, usable designs.

In order to better understand UX Maturity, please answer this questionnaire before Thursday, May 5. It will take less than 10 minutes to answer, and we will use the results in the UX Basic Training course.

Thursday, May 12, 9:00am–4:30pm
Complex Applications and Websites (Day 1) ($649*/per person)
Interaction patterns and special user experience techniques for data-rich user interfaces**

Creating user experiences for end-users who engage in complex problem-solving requires an approach that’s different from traditional user-centered design (UCD) methods. In this course, we’ll explore methods, best practices and more than 40 interaction patterns geared toward complex applications and websites.

Friday, May 13, 9:00am–4:30pm
Complex Applications and Websites (Day 2) ($649*/per person)
More patterns, plus tactics for information architecture, visualizations, content, and user testing**

This course also covers how to deal with special challenges that complex systems bring to information architecture, navigation, usability testing, content and terminology, and visual design.

Total maximum cost for all three courses ($1669/per person)

*Includes course materials, breaks, and lunch

**Attendees should bring a laptop