24–26 Oct 2022
Embassy Suites
US/Eastern timezone



24 Oct 2022, 08:30
Holston Room (Embassy Suites)

Holston Room

Embassy Suites

507 S Gay St, Knoxville, TN 37902 USA


Session: Plenary

  • Sarah Cousineau (ORNL)

Session: Facility Perspectives

  • Sergei Nagaitsev

Session: Rings I

  • Jeff Eldred

Session: Rings II

  • Nicholas Evans (ORNL)

Session: Theory

  • Alexander Valishev (FNAL)

Session: Simulation Algorithms I

  • Jean-Luc Vay

Session: Simulation Algorithms II

  • Jean-Luc Vay

Session: Low/medium energy

  • Sasha Aleksandrov

Session: Unconventional Systems

  • Kiersten Ruisard (ORNL)

Session: Electron beams

  • Vasiliy Morozov (Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, USA)

Session: Beams by design

  • Sarah Cousineau (ORNL)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Kiersten Ruisard (ORNL)
24/10/2022, 08:40
Sergei Nagaitsev
24/10/2022, 09:00
Adrian Oeftiger (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy-ion Research)
24/10/2022, 11:50
Simon Albright (CERN), Simon Albright
24/10/2022, 14:20
Cristhian Gonzalez-Ortiz (Michigan State University)
24/10/2022, 16:00
Jean-Francois Ostiguy (Fermilab)
24/10/2022, 16:40
Michael Balcewicz, Michael Balcewicz
25/10/2022, 08:40
Elias Metral, Xavier Buffat (CERN)
25/10/2022, 09:00
Alexey Burov, Alexy Burov
25/10/2022, 09:20
Paul Jung (TRIUMF), Paul Jung
25/10/2022, 10:10
He Zhang (Thamas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
25/10/2022, 11:00
Andrei Shishlo
25/10/2022, 11:20
Kiersten Ruisard (ORNL)
25/10/2022, 14:40
Nilanjan Banerjee (The University of Chicago)
25/10/2022, 15:45
Jake Flowerdew (University of Oxford), Jake Flowerdew
25/10/2022, 16:05
Sonali Mayani Mayani
25/10/2022, 16:25
Gennady Stupakov (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
26/10/2022, 08:40
Andreas Adelmann
26/10/2022, 09:00
Vasiliy Morozov (Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, USA)
26/10/2022, 11:20
Fulvia Pilat
Building timetable...