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- Sarah Blair (NREL)
- Dima Bolmatov (University of Tennessee/Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Katie Browning (ORNL)
- Benjamin Doughty (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Burcu Gurkan (Case Western Reserve University)
- Seunghoon Lee (Chemical Sciences Division)
- Yat Li (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- Anne-Frances Miller (University of Kentucky)
- Daniel Murray (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Sudhan Nagarajan (Wayne State University)
- Michael Ohl (Research Center Juelich)
Ivan Popov
(The University of Tennessee – Oak Ridge Innovation Institute)
- Speaker at The search for the Grotthuss mechanism.
- Robert Sacci (ORNL)
- Xiao Su (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)
- Yu Zhu (University of Akron)