Sep 27 – 28, 2023
US/Eastern timezone

With the Proton Power Upgrade (PPU) at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), surplus proton beam power will be available for applications outside of neutron generation for neutron scattering applications. In addition, the Second Target Station (STS) project will offer infrastructure opportunities that are presently not available. A potential application to utilize the excess beam power is the production of unique radioisotopes that can benefit medical, industrial, and/or space applications.

We are hosting a hybrid (combination of in-person and virtual) two-day workshop that helps us identify the best path forward for utilizing the available beam power from the PPU to produce high-demand radionuclides on September 27th and 28th. This workshop will include subject matter experts from around the world that have produced radionuclides with similar charged particle beams as well as   ORNL subject matter experts in isotope mass separation techniques, radiochemical separation techniques, and nuclear facility construction/management.

The main objectives of the workshop are as follows:
1.   Define some unique, desirable radioisotopes that can be produced using high-energy              protons incident upon various spallation targets.

2.   Determine how we can effectively isolate/separate the desired radionuclide(s).
     a. On-line mass separation?
     b. Bulk post-irradiation chemical and mass separation?

3.   Identify the most challenging technological implementations and roadblocks.
     a. What are the target technology limitations?
     b. What is the target technical readiness?
     c. What target materials would be interesting in terms of production with either protons or neutrons              and post-irradiation handling?              

4.   Consider the regulatory aspects/challenges of adding isotope production to a facility (SNS)              regulated by the Accelerator order. 

We look forward to seeing you on September 27th and 28th!

ORNL RIPS Collaboration Point of Contact 
Justin Griswold

ORNL RIPS Collaboration Committee
Sarah Cousineau, Sang-Ho Kim, Yongjoong Lee, Fulvia Pilat, Charlie Rasco, Dave Rotsch, and Dan Stracener
