Jun 28 – 29, 2024
Crowne Plaza Hotel - Knoxville, Tennessee
US/Eastern timezone

Venue Information

Crowne Plaza Knoxville Downtown University

401 W Summit Hill Drive SW

Knoxville, TN 37902

(865) 522-2600

Website to hotel, click here.

To make reservations by phone, or to book a stay for days earlier than the first arrival date, or after the last date of the room block, please contact the Crown Plaza’s reservation manager, Jamie Julius. Jamie is available Mon – Fri, 830a – 430p, at 865-522-2600.


Knoxville prides themselves on their unique mix of natural beauty, outdoor adventure and cultural attractions. In other words, they’re a-nature-loving-adventure-seeking-artsy-kinda-town. We encourage you to explore all that Knoxville has to offer.

What To Do

Where to Eat

Knoxville Visitor’s Guide