Sep 16 – 23, 2016
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
US/Eastern timezone

JLab Hall B Controls Infrastructure and IT Integration

Sep 20, 2016, 4:45 PM
Conference Center (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Conference Center

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Building 5200 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN 37831 USA
Regular Talk (15min) System Management EPICS Collaboration Meeting


Wesley Moore (Jefferson Lab)


For Jefferson Lab's Hall B, the EPICS control systems have migrated from EPICS 3.13.4 to During this time we moved to modern tools such as CS-Studio and BEAST, replacing MEDM and ALH. We have also fully converted to 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL7) for all workstations and servers. Management of the controls infrastructure now leverages our on-site IT expertise in several aspects. All desktops and servers are fully managed by Puppet and monitored with Nagios. Using our IT VM cluster, we are pioneering site-wide usage of VMware's Linux Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). This technology is proving valuable for secure, remote access to the control system without issues and lag of X-forwarding. Read-only access is also being provided over the web via WebOPI. Discussion will include our general findings in this major transition and our future plans.

Primary author

Wesley Moore (Jefferson Lab)

Presentation materials