Anders Wallander
(ITER Organization)
9/20/16, 9:50 AM
Within the ITER international organization, 35 nations are collaborating to build the world's largest fusion facility in the South of France. Most contributions are in-kind - integration of more than 200 plant systems will be the main challenge when building the control system.
To support the control system development of plant systems, ITER created CODAC Core System (CCS), a Linux...
Henrik Carling
(European Spallation Source ERIC)
9/20/16, 11:00 AM
An overview is given on the progress and development of the Integrated Control System Project at ESS. Details about planning, budget, schedule, as well as technical development activities and strategies for collaboration and community interaction are presented.
Timo Korhonen
(European Spallation Source ERIC)
9/20/16, 11:15 AM
We present the strategy and plans for control system hardware at ESS. The ESS is following a hardware selection that consists of three levels of performance:
MTCA.4 for the high performance systems, EtherCAT for fast distributed I/O and PLCs for industrial I/O and high reliability requirements. We present the status and progress in each of these platforms and the features of our standard solutions.
Andrew Johnson
9/20/16, 11:30 AM
(presented on behalf of Ned Arnold and Sinisa Veseli)
The DAQ software captures synchronously sampled, time-correlated data
from several critical subsystems: beam position monitor (BPM) values,
storage ring RF cavity field measurements, fast injection kickers, beam
diagnostics, and power supply read-backs. The key features of the system
include the capability to acquire data from...
Mark Heron
(Diamond Light Source)
9/20/16, 11:45 AM
Pandabox: a new open hardware platform for on the fly data acquisition
Michael Davidsaver
(Osprey DCS)
9/20/16, 1:20 PM
Summary of experiences working with beam diagnostics and timing for the FRIB project. Including an introduction to uTCA systems, and integration of several cards.
Bruno Martins
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
9/20/16, 1:55 PM
This talk will showcase the ADEiger areaDetector driver for the Dectris' Eiger family of X-Ray detectors. The architecture of the driver as well as its capabilities will be presented.
Ronaldo Mercado
(Diamond Light Source Ltd)
9/20/16, 2:10 PM
Diamond have been using the area detector framework for several years and are involved in recent developments. This talk covers some history, status, current applications and their context in the work of the facility.
Bogdan Vacaliuc
(Spallation Neutron Source)
9/20/16, 3:20 PM
The EPICS system provides a robust process variable distribution system upon which software clients and servers are able to interact. The servers interface to physical inputs and outputs of the machine, while the clients interface to users and operators (humans). During the beamline instrumentation upgrade at the SNS, we faced challenges in reproducing similar levels of instrument control...
William McCullough
9/20/16, 3:35 PM
The following is a short talk concerning a student led EPICS project and the various lessons learned. The Beam Test Facility (BTF) is a test stand for Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) conditioning and low level beam experiments. The BTF has a Protection System (PPS) that monitors radiation levels and controls entry around the accelerator equipment. The PPS uses a Farwest brand detector to...
lvPortDriver - a platform independent interface between LabVIEW software and EPICS device support
Scott Baily
9/20/16, 3:45 PM
lvPortDriver and the lvPortDriver virtual library are functions that enable LabVIEW code run an EPICS IOC and communicate with the EPICS database via EPICS device support. The EPICS records interface just as they would with any other asynPortDriver device. lvPortDriver is an asynPortDriver class that stores parameters in the parameter library. A LabVIEW virtual library calls functions that...
Bruce Hill
(SLAC National Accelerator Lab)
9/20/16, 4:00 PM
ADStream makes it easy to configure an areaDetector camera IOC for one or more image streams, each of which has it's own
dedicated stdArray, ROI, CC, Overlay, and Process plugin, along w/ some extra PV's to characterize the stream type,
input source, height, width, and desired update rate.
You can also do image averaging, and view and adjust 4 crosses and 4 ROI overlay boxes. The overlays...
Ryan Herbst
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
9/20/16, 4:15 PM
SLAC is currently developing an upgrade of its Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) that will be at the forefront of X-ray science. This upgrade will replace the first 1KM of its existing accelerator tunnel with a superconducting 1Mhz accelerator requiring a major upgrade to the existing control infrastructure. This new control system moves operations and computations previously performed in...
Matthew Furseman
(Diamond Light Source Ltd)
9/20/16, 4:30 PM
Diamond has had an operational fast orbit feedback system since 2007 which has proved to be reliable through routine use since that time. The implementation of the feedback controllers uses distributed VxWorks IOCs for calculating the required correction values in each corrector magnet. These IOCs are more easily modified than systems using FPGAs, allowing us to introduce additional features...
Wesley Moore
(Jefferson Lab)
9/20/16, 4:45 PM
For Jefferson Lab's Hall B, the EPICS control systems have migrated from EPICS 3.13.4 to During this time we moved to modern tools such as CS-Studio and BEAST, replacing MEDM and ALH. We have also fully converted to 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL7) for all workstations and servers. Management of the controls infrastructure now leverages our on-site IT expertise in...
Alex Wallace
9/21/16, 9:00 AM
EASE is a Django and PSP (PyCA derived) alert system for EPICS. A Django app is used to store alert settings for users and provide a way for users to share their alert settings. The EASE user interface is accessed via a browser, and is focused on providing a way for everyone to effortlessly establish alerts.
Leo Dalesio
9/21/16, 9:40 AM
This presentation covers the key aspects of version 4 and the impact of this on experimental beam line and accelerator architectures and capabilities.
Michael Davidsaver
(Osprey DCS)
9/21/16, 11:00 AM
A walking tour of the ever expanding EPICS universe with stops at the various components sometimes known as "EPICS V4".
Timo Korhonen
(European Spallation Source ERIC)
9/21/16, 11:15 AM
The European Spallation Source is presently in construction in Lund, Sweden. The ESS a green field facility, which gives us the opportunity to build a system without legacy constraints. One of the goals for the control system is to be fully EPICS 4 compliant, that is, use pvAccess as the sole protocol in the control system.
To accomplish this, a comprehensive set of tools and services has to...
Martin Kraimer
(ANL Retired)
9/21/16, 11:45 AM
This talk provides a brief history of EPICSV4 from 2006 until EPICSV4 release 4.6
Arman Arkilic
(Brookhaven National Lab)
9/21/16, 1:20 PM
NSLS-II supports the DOE scientific mission by providing the most advanced tools for discovery class science in condensed matter and materials physics, chemistry, and biology - science that ultimately will enhance national and energy security and help drive abundant, safe, and clean energy technologies. The state-of-the-art hardware, the variety of scientific applications, and data size make...
Arman Arkilic
(Brookhaven National Lab)
9/21/16, 1:50 PM
A lightweight framework for interactive and automated data collection
Dave Hickin
(Diamond Light Source)
9/21/16, 2:05 PM
Diamond Light Source is developing a middlelayer framework known as Malcolm, which is targeted initially at high-level configure/run control of control system components generally involved in continuous scans. Malcolm is based on a distributed object system and currently implemented Python. An overview of Malcolm, including the use of EPICS Version 4, will be given.
Andrew Johnson
9/21/16, 2:20 PM
What has happened recently in EPICS Core development, and how we think we can get to wherever it is that we might want to go - 3, 4, 7, ...
Craig Haskins
9/21/16, 3:20 PM
The EPICS IOC development for ASKAP is largely complete and ASKAP-12 is operational as a science instrument. We are beginning a formal early science program soon with the current array of 12 dishes and the remaining 24 are in production for installation over the next year. We review our design decisions, wrong turns and were we are headed next.
Alex Wallace
9/21/16, 3:40 PM
Beckhoff has been proven to be a solid choice for PLC systems in the photon beamlines at SLAC/LCLS. For interfacing the PLC to EPICS, Modbus is the reigning champion for its simplicity, but is now a limiting factor. A new interface to EPICS must be selected. Two choices are considered, Beckhoff's ADS, and OPC UA.
Ralph Lange
(ITER Organization)
9/21/16, 3:50 PM
**OPC Unified Architecture (UA)** is gaining ground as a communication protocol for industrial controls.
Bernhard Kuner (HZB/BESSY) has released EPICS Support that uses the commercial OPC UA Client SDK by Unified Automation GmbH, allowing a Linux based IOC to act as an OPC UA client.
Sangil Lee
(Institute for Basic Science)
9/21/16, 4:00 PM
The RTP product requirements contained two other major items, the functionality of a DCS and the speed of a PLC. To meet the DCS requirements all Analog cards are designed with 16 ADCs and DACs. A multi CPU architecture that adds processing capability as the system is expanded makes it the fastest control system available and satisfies the PLC requirement. The RTP3000 was designed to meet the...
Jeffrey Hill
(Los Alamos Neutron Science Center)
9/21/16, 4:15 PM
During our retrofit of LANSCE LINAC instrumentation systems we implemented fundamental upgrades to EPICS facilitating the rapid-prototype approach to software-development based upon the Lua embedded scripting language. Selection of Lua facilitates new advanced capabilities within EPICS satisfying requirements at LANSCE, but without compromising the general utility of EPICS for use within the...
Torsten Bogershausen
9/21/16, 4:30 PM
Stepper motors have been used in EPICS based systems for a long time.
Since that, motion control units have been evolved, and servo motors may be used for advanced applications.
ESS is still in an early phase for the neutron instruments, so we are looking at the new developments.
Give a short description how a stepper motor works, and why we want to improve the integration for modern motion...
Ryan Pierce
(Analytics Lounge, NFP)
9/21/16, 4:45 PM
The maker ecosystem has flourished due to the widespread availability of common open hardware platforms and open source software frameworks coupled with the emergence of physical and virtual communities. Many of the problems EPICS solves are shared with makers. This presentation explores the potential overlap of these communities by documenting the ongoing progress of a computer controlled...
Yong-Hak Kim
9/22/16, 9:20 AM
The control system of ISOL Off-line test facility at RISP(Rare Isotope Science Project) is composed of two major parts of the control for RI beam production/separation/transportation and the safety for high voltage power supply and utility.
It controls the devices and monitors the current status of each device remotely through GUI using CSS. The conditions from the monitoring are saved to...
Eric Berryman
(Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)
9/22/16, 9:40 AM
The Control System Studio Collaboration Status Report
Matthew Furseman
(Diamond Light Source Ltd)
9/22/16, 10:00 AM
Diamond Light Source has been adopting CS-Studio for its control interface and eventually intends to replace EDM entirely. At the moment an automated framework for generating Synoptic GUIs for beamlines has been created and has been used to commission Diamond's two newest beamlines, I14 and I21. A description of this framework combined with examples of the GUI layout used with it will be...
Kay Kasemir
9/22/16, 11:00 AM
Status of ongoing display builder work: Standalone mode, support for "real" C Python in addition to Jython
Megan Grodowitz
(Oak Ridge National Labs)
9/22/16, 11:20 AM
We report on adding support for the MQTT internet of things communication protocol to CS Studio. This support allows for the creation of widgets connected to MQTT topics on a configured broker.
Jonathan Hanks
(California Institute of Technology)
9/22/16, 1:20 PM
This presentation will cover work done within the LIGO lab to display complex screens on phones, tables, and standard web browsers. We utilize websockets and the webopi javascript libraries to display data to laboratory personal in real time.
john sinclair
9/22/16, 2:00 PM
Various edm users have expressed a desire to retain a display manager which is compatible with edm, independent of X and motif, and not constrained by the Eclipse environment. A new display manager will be developed that will achieve these objectives and include additional enhancements.
Claudio Rosati
(European Spallation Source ERIC)
9/22/16, 2:10 PM
I'll explain
- how at ESS we managed having the "ESS version" of CS-Studio,
- how at ESS we accomplished the 3 Jenkins pipelines related to ESS CS-Studio delivery,
- what is still missing and what is planned.
Ralph Lange
(ITER Organization)
9/22/16, 2:30 PM
A view under the hood of the Continuous Integration setup for EPICS Base, in the cloud and on the ground.
An invitation to share ideas, tricks and experiences.
Michael Davidsaver
(Osprey DCS)
9/22/16, 2:50 PM
Shameless promotion of the [EPICSDEB]( effort to create/maintain Debian packages of EPICS modules.
Nikolay Levchenko
(European Spallation Source)
9/22/16, 3:20 PM
An overview of ESS experience in developing and commissioning the first part of the accelerator - Ion Source and LEBT. Details about control system development using ESS software framework and support tools for EPICS development (Controls Configuration DB, Naming Service, EEE).
Michael Davidsaver
(Osprey DCS)
9/22/16, 3:40 PM
A shameless promotion for the [Project Icestorm](
free and open FPGA development toolchain.
Jonathan Jacky
(University of Washington Medical Center)
9/22/16, 3:50 PM
The Clinical Neutron Therapy System (CNTS) is a unique cyclotron-based
radiation therapy machine at the University of Washington Medical
Center. CNTS uses EPICS in its control system. This is a
safety-critical medical application so we have undertaken a research
project to supplement our usual software quality assurance by formal
verification. The project includes an intensive review,...
Bruce Hill
(SLAC National Accelerator Lab)
9/22/16, 4:25 PM
SLAC faced a number of challenges when we looked into migrating our existing CVS and svn based EPICS development environments to git. I will discuss the issues we identified, along with how we addressed each of them.
One of the big challenges was how to preserve our existing version history, so our resulting git master repo for each EPICS module would include full version history from both...