Sep 16 – 23, 2016
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
US/Eastern timezone

EPICS Device/Driver for RTP Hardware

Sep 21, 2016, 4:00 PM
Conference Center (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Conference Center

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Regular Talk (15min) Hardware, Driver/Device support EPICS Collaboration Meeting


Sangil Lee (Institute for Basic Science)


The RTP product requirements contained two other major items, the functionality of a DCS and the speed of a PLC. To meet the DCS requirements all Analog cards are designed with 16 ADCs and DACs. A multi CPU architecture that adds processing capability as the system is expanded makes it the fastest control system available and satisfies the PLC requirement. The RTP3000 was designed to meet the stringent requirements of IEC61508 2010 without later additions or modifications. In this paper, it will be presented how to configure the RTP hardware and develop a EPICS device/driver interface.

Primary author

Sangil Lee (Institute for Basic Science)


Mr Changwook Son (Institute for Basic Science) Dr Hyunchang Jin (Institute for Basic Science) Ms Mijeong Park (Institute for Basic Science)

Presentation materials