Sep 16 – 23, 2016
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
US/Eastern timezone

Development of ISOL Off-line Test Facility Control & Safety System at RISP

Sep 22, 2016, 9:20 AM
Conference Center (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Conference Center

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Building 5200 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN 37831 USA
Regular Talk (15min) Status Reports EPICS Collaboration Meeting


Mr Yong-Hak Kim (IBS/RISP)


The control system of ISOL Off-line test facility at RISP(Rare Isotope Science Project) is composed of two major parts of the control for RI beam production/separation/transportation and the safety for high voltage power supply and utility. It controls the devices and monitors the current status of each device remotely through GUI using CSS. The conditions from the monitoring are saved to archive server. And the saved values can be checked at control and monitoring PC as graphs by archive viewer. The device driver of EPICS IOC controls a power supply for target/ion-source using serial device server, another power supply for EQT/steerer using analog I/O card and vacuum, utility & safety using PLC. The safety system has been designed and run to protect the facility and people considering that the platform of target & ion source is biased by high voltage up to 50kV with high current. In this talk, the details of the system for the ISOL off-line test facility will be presented.

Primary author

Mr Yong-Hak Kim (IBS/RISP)


Dr Byoung-Hwi Kang (IBS/RISP) Mr Chang-Seog Seo (IBS/RISP) Dr Hironobu Ishiyama (IBS/RISP) Dr Jin-Ho Lee (IBS/RISP) Dr Mi-Jung Kim (IBS/RISP) Dr Suk Choi (IBS/RISP) Dr Sung-Jong Park (IBS/RISP)

Presentation materials