Sep 16 – 23, 2016
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
US/Eastern timezone

Migrating EPICS version history to git at SLAC

Sep 22, 2016, 4:25 PM
Conference Center (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Conference Center

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Building 5200 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN 37831 USA
Regular Talk (15min) System Management EPICS Collaboration Meeting


Bruce Hill (SLAC National Accelerator Lab)


SLAC faced a number of challenges when we looked into migrating our existing CVS and svn based EPICS development environments to git. I will discuss the issues we identified, along with how we addressed each of them. One of the big challenges was how to preserve our existing version history, so our resulting git master repo for each EPICS module would include full version history from both our CVS and svn repositories, along with the history from the github collaboration. Sample source code in python will be provided that was used to accomplish this.

Primary author

Bruce Hill (SLAC National Accelerator Lab)


Presentation materials