13–18 Oct 2019
Chattanooga Convention Center
US/Eastern timezone

Update from the ORNL Neutron Scattering Facilites

14 Oct 2019, 09:00
Ballroom F (Chattanooga Convention Center)

Ballroom F

Chattanooga Convention Center

Chattanooga, TN
Oral Presentation Facility Update Plenary


Dr Hans M. Christen (Neutron Scattering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory)


Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) operates two neutron sources as scientific user facilities on behalf of the Office of Science, US Department of Energy: the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) and the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS). Both facilities offer leading capabilities to an international user community, with access being provided on the basis of scientific merit as assessed through peer review of proposals submitted in response to two calls per year. Twelve instruments at HFIR and 18 at SNS provide complementary capabilities in diffraction, spectroscopy, small angle neutron scattering, and neutron imaging (see neutrons.ornl.gov). SNS and HFIR together host approximately 3000 user visits per year and process over 10,000 samples. This presentation will discuss recent scientific highlights, changes and upgrades to instrumentation, and opportunities arising with the construction of the Second Target Station at SNS.ORNL update

Primary author

Dr Hans M. Christen (Neutron Scattering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Presentation materials