13–18 Oct 2019
Chattanooga Convention Center
US/Eastern timezone

Scipp: Scientific data handling with labeled multi-dimensional arrays for C++ and Python

16 Oct 2019, 11:15
Meeting Room 7 (Chattanooga Convention Center)

Meeting Room 7

Chattanooga Convention Center

Oral Presentation Software Software


Dr Simon Heybrock


Scipp is heavily inspired by the Python library "xarray".
It enriches raw NumPy-like multi-dimensional arrays of data by adding
named dimensions and associated coordinates.
Multiple arrays are combined into datasets.
On top of these basics, which xarray would also provide, scipp introduces:

  • Implicit handling of physical units.
  • Implicit propagation of uncertainties.
  • Support for histograms, i.e., bin-edge coordinate axes, which exceed
    the data's dimension extent by one.
  • Support for event data, a particular form of sparse data with arrays
    of random-length lists, arising when collecting neutron scattering data
    in event-mode.

Altogether, the features enable a more natural and more concise user
The combination of named dimensions, coordinates, and units helps to
drastically reduce the risk for programming errors.

The core of scipp is written in C++ to open opportunities for
performance improvements that a Python-based solution would not allow for.
On top of the C++ core, scipp's Python components provide functionality
for plotting and other visualization, e.g., for use in Jupyter Notebooks.

Scipp is currently developed at the European Spallation Source.
The released version 0.1 is for experimental use and not
production-ready yet.
See also https://scipp.readthedocs.io for detailed documentation.

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