Sample Environment for Soft Matter at ISIS
J. Vine D, R. Haynes, T. Charleston, A. Church, O. Kirichek
ISIS Facility, STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, UK
Soft Matter is now well established within the ISIS Experimental Operations Division (IEOD) alongside Cryogenics, Pressure and High Temperature, where we are able to support user experiments with our existing, developed, modified and newly purchased equipment.
Establishing how and where Sample Environment fits into soft matter experiments is harder than first thought due to the diverse range of experiments that has rapidly grown over recent years. The complexity and variety of samples used in soft matter research demand special requirements on the design and operation of the Sample Environment Equipment.
With a small but expanding team we are in the early stages of expanding our Lab area to three times its original size, which demonstrates the advance in the sample environment equipment base we are able to offer. We are still learning and understanding the large diversity that is needed within this area; temperature, humidity and pressure being a few of the main challenges faced here to provide stability, reliability, accuracy, control and flexibility in the majority of soft matter experiments. This will enable us to develop some of our ageing equipment to bring it in line with user demands.