Sources: Source Development
- Steven Lilley (ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0QX, United Kingdom)
We will describe the Moderator Test Station proposed for the Spallation Neutron Source facility. We will leverage the Beam Test Facility (BTF) at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) to provide a moderator neutronics test stand with which we will verify the anticipated performance gains expected and required from innovative moderator concepts central to the SNS Second Target Station (STS), as...
The spectral fluence rate of the thermalized neutron field obtained by slowing down the 14 MeV fusion neutrons produced at the accelerator-driven Frascati Neutron Generator is measured by means of the Bonner Sphere Spectrometer. Neutron thermalization is achieved by means of a moderator assembly made of a copper pre-moderator and a polyethylene moderator.
A Monte Carlo simulation reproducing...
SEEMS is a proposed third target station using the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) accelerator of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to serve two separate user communities. The first is that of electronics researchers and industrial users investigating single event effects (SEE), who are demanding greater test capacity and capabilities for simulating atmospheric high-energy neutron radiation...
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fusion Energy is evaluating options for a Fusion Prototypic Neutron Source (FPNS) to irradiate materials test specimens to high dose in an environment with characteristics that are similar to the first wall of a fusion reactor burning D-T fuel. One of the candidates under study is a spallation neutron source at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center...
Ultra-cold neutrons (UCN) are an important experimental tool to advance the understand of particle physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, and cosmology. Unfortunately, many of these UCN experiments are statistically limited. To help to overcome these limitations, we are proposing a so-called inverse target geometry. This geometry talks advantage of the same backscattering principle that was...