13–18 Oct 2019
Chattanooga Convention Center
US/Eastern timezone

Multi-Grid Boron-10 detector: from proof-of-principle to applications in time-of-flight spectrometers

15 Oct 2019, 10:30
Meeting Room 3 (Chattanooga Convention Center)

Meeting Room 3

Chattanooga Convention Center

Oral Presentation Instrument Instruments


Dr Anton Khaplanov (European Spallation Source)


The Multi-Grid detector was introduced at the ILL and developed in collaboration with the ESS over the past 8 years. This detector technology emerged as a consequence of the need to find alternatives to $^3$He in neutron scattering detectors, where the large area needed makes $^3$He detectors prohibitively expensive. It has seen been demonstrated that the Multi-Grid and other similar detectors provide further advantages in the counting rate capability over that of $^3$He, while holding their ground in other key characteristics. This contribution will summarize the development and characterization work on the Multi-Grid detector prototypes. This includes two testing campaigns where Multi-Grid prototypes have been installed at CNCS and SEQUOIA instruments at the SNS providing invaluable in providing real in-beam performance and side-by-side comparison with $^3$He.

Primary author

Dr Anton Khaplanov (European Spallation Source)

Presentation materials