As a partner with more than 40 years of experience in designing and manufacturing of equipment and systems for excellent research, the central institute of engineering, electronics and analytics ZEA-1 of Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH contributes to the design and construction of several main components for the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund. The ESS is a large-scale research project which is currently under construction.
Our contribution to ICANS is a poster showing different activities of ZEA-1 on basic infrastructure components, such as moderator & reflector system, target monitor plug, beam extraction system, light shutter, hydrogen cryostat and handling tools, as well as the scattering instruments DREAM, T-Rex, SKADI and MAGIC and the beam chopper systems. This poster will show a transparent, isometric model of the complete facility with the highlighted ZEA-1 contributions and the identification of the relevant activities (design, simulation, manufacturing and testing) and is the platform for further presentations and technical discussions at the ICANS.