13–18 Oct 2019
Chattanooga Convention Center
US/Eastern timezone

Low background materials for high pressure cells used in inelastic neutron scattering experiments.

16 Oct 2019, 13:00
Meeting Room 4 & 5 (Chattanooga Convention Center)

Meeting Room 4 & 5

Chattanooga Convention Center

Poster Poster


Mr Chris Goodway (STFC)Dr Oleg Kirichek (STFC)


The signal-to-noise ratio is the ultimate limiting factor for high pressure neutron scattering experiments where sample environment equipment could create significant background signal which in many cases may significantly exceed the signal from the sample itself. This is the particularly serious issue in case of high-pressure sample environment for inelastic neutron scattering. Here we review materials which could be used for development of new generation of high-pressure cells for inelastic and quasi-elastic neutron scattering experiments. This results will allow designing and producing high pressure vessels with parameters desired for particular neutron scattering experiment.

Primary authors


Dr Eddie Lelièvre-Berna (Institut Laue-Langevin) Dr Konstantin Kamenev (University of Edinburgh) Dr Victor Laliena (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón (ICMA)) Dr Stefan Klotz (Sorbonne Université)

Presentation materials

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