SNS Accelerator Safety Review Committee Meeting
Thank you for agreeing to serve on the SNS ASRC. I look forward to your participation in our upcoming assessment scheduled on July 26 -28, 2016.
This assessment serves as an independent internal assessment for SNS and helps ensure our compliance with accelerator safety program elements specified in DOE Order 420.2C Safety of Accelerator Facilities.
As specified in the committee charter, the mission of the ASRC is to support the integrated safety management process by providing an independent review of accelerator safety for activities authorized under DOE Order 420.2C. I ask that you provide me with a written report documenting the results of your review.
Charter for the SNS Accelerator Safety Review Committee
The mission of the SNS Accelerator Safety Review Committee (ASRC) is to support the overall integrated safety management process by providing an independent review of accelerator safety for ongoing and proposed activities authorized under DOE Order 420.2C Safety of Accelerator Facilities (or its successors). The Committee functions in an advisory capacity reporting to the SNS Operations Manager.
Roles and Responsibilities
1. Perform SNS Internal Assessments as requested by the SNS Operations Manager in accordance with the ORNL SBMS Accelerator Safety Subject Area .
2.Perform Accelerator Readiness Reviews (ARRs) as requested by the SNS Operations Manager in accordance with the requirements of DOE Order 420.2C (or its successors) and the SBMS Procedure Accelerator Readiness Reviews.
3.Perform ad-hoc reviews based on need as determined by the SNS Operations Manager.
4.Prepare timely written reports documenting findings and recommendations resulting from reviews.
5.Review and assess adequacy of SNS management response to findings and recommendations.
6.Review proposed changes, modifications, and new activities with potentially significant safety implications as requested by the SNS Operations Manager.
Structure and Methods of Operation
1.The ASRC Chair is appointed by and reports to the SNS Operations Manager.
2.The ASRC Chair and SNS Operations Manager jointly determine the scope and conditions for each readiness review or assessment.
3.Members of the ASRC are chosen by the SNS Operations Manager with concurrence of the ASRC Chair.
a.Members of the ASRC should be selected to provide the range of education and experience necessary to perform comprehensive assessment or readiness review.
b.The ASRC may include ORNL staff and/or external individuals. Individuals should be operationally independent of the topical area(s) they assess.
4.Assessments and readiness reviews of limited scope may be performed by a subcommittee of the ASRC.
5.The ASRC shall provide a written report to the SNS Operations Manager documenting the results of their reviews which are to be retained by SNS management as an auditable record.
6.SNS management response to ASRC recommendations shall be documented and tracked in the ORNL Assessment Commitments Tracking System (ACTS).
Committee Membership
Committee Members | ||
Name | Affiliation | |
Anderson, John | FNAL | |
Evans, Ian | SLAC | |
Floyd, Jim | LBNL | |
Kelsey, Charles | LANL-LANSCE | |
May, Bob | JLAB | |
Schaefer, Chuck | BNL | |
Werbeck, Dick - Chair | LANL (retired) | |